Международные институты
- Convention on Biological Diversity Montreal, Canada
- European Confederation of Soil Science Societies
- European Commission Joint Research Centre
- European Soil Bureau Network
- European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
- European Soil Database (ESDB)
- Global Environment Facility Washington, USA (GEF)
- The Global Mechanism of the UNCCD Rome, Italy (GM)
- Humic Acid Research Group
- International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome, Italy (IFAD)
- International Soil Reference and Information
- International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
- Commission on Pedometrics of the IUSS
- Working Group on Digital Soil Mapping of the IUSS
- Food and Agricultural Organization Rome, Italy (FAO)
- FAO - Soil Unit Classification Scheme
- FAO - World Reference Base for Soil Resources
- NATO Scientific and Environmental Affairs
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs New York, USA (UN/DESA)
- UN Development Programme, Office to Combat Desertification and Drought New York, USA (UNDP/UNSO)
- UN Environment Programme Nairobi, Kenya (UNEP)
- UN Environment Programme/Information Unit for Convention Geneva, Switzerland (UNEP/IUC)
- World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO/WWAP)
- Man and the Biosphere Programme (UNESCO/MAB)
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Bonn, Germany (UNFCCC)
- United Nations Institute for Training and Research Geneva, Switzerland (UNITAR)
- Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome, Italy (WHO)
- European Space Agency, Treaty Enforcement Services using Earth Observation (ESA/TESEO)
- International Institute for Sustainable Development / Linkages Winnipeg, Canada (IISD)
- Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Gland, Switzerland
- Prevention and Control of dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia (RETA)
- Regional Sustainable Land Management (TerrAfrica)
- The World Bank
- European Society for Soil Conservation
- International Erosion Control Association
- International Union of Soil Sciences
- Soil Classification for Soil Survey
- Twelve Soil Orders - Soil Taxonomy
- Scientific Center of Soil Science, Agro-chemistry and Melioration, RA Ministry of Agriculture Admiral Isakov St. 24, Yerevan, 375 082, Republic of Armenia, P/F: (374 1) 77-88-90, (374 1) 77-29-55 naramanukyan@yahoo.com
- Forest Research and Experimental Center (FREC) under Ministry of Nature Protection, RA Bagramyan St. 3, Yerevan, 375 015, Republic of Armenia, P/F: (374 1) 56-30-81, aghoulidjanyan@yahoo.com, FREC@web.am
- State Institute for Projection of Land Use Organisation, (State Comitee for Land and Mapping) 93A, Sh. Mehtiyev St. Baku, Azerbaijan P: (99 412) 32-15-85
- Institute for Forestry and Site Surveys Khyrdalan Settlement, Baku, Azerbaijan P: (99 412) 42-20-40
Беларусь |
Болгария |
- Ministerstvo životního prostředí a vodního hospodářství
- Executive Environment Agency ExEA, 136, "Tsar Boris III" blvd, P.O. Box 251, 1618 Sofia Bulgaria, T: +35929559011 F: +35929559015, ncesd@nfp-bg.eionet.eu.int
- Nikola Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science SSNP, 7, Shosse Bankya, P.O. Box 1369, 1080 Sofia Bulgaria, T: +3592225271 F: +3592248937, soil@mail.bg
Чешская Республика |
- Ministerstvo zemědělství; Těšnov 17, Praha 1, 117 05 T: +420 221 811 111 F: +420 224 810 478 info@mze.cz
- Ministerstvo životního prostředí; 65, Vršovická 10010 Praha T: +420 267 121 111 F: +420 267 310 308
- Česká akademie zemědělských vědTěšnov 17, 117 05 Praha, Czech Republic T: +420 222 320 582
- Česká pedologická společnost; Prof. Bořivoj Šarapatka; Centrum pro ZP a hodnoceni krajiny, Ekotoxa s.r.o.; Kotlarska 53; 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic; Borivoj.sarapatka@seznam.cz, T: +420 549 241 411
- Český hydrometeorologický ústav
- Czech Environmental Information Agency CENIA; Kodaňská 10; 100 10, Praha, Czech Republic; T: +420 267 225 232 F: +420 271 742 306; info@cenia.cz
- Forest Management Institute; ÚHÚL Brandýs nad Labem; Nábřežní 1326; 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem; Czech Republic; podatelna@uhul.cz; T: +420 326 904 481-4, F: +420 326 902 434.
- The Forestry and Game Management Research Institute; Jíloviště-Strnady 136, Praha 5 - Zbraslav, 156 04; T: +420 257 892 222; admin@vulhm.cz
- T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute
- Ústřední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemědělský; CISTA; 2, Hroznová; 65606 Brno Czech Republic; T: +420543548111 F: +420543211148; ukzuz@ukzuz.cz
- Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany půd (VUMOP); Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany půdy, v.v.i.; Žabovřeská 250; 156 27 Praha 5 - Zbraslav; T: +420 257 921 640; info@vumop.cz
- Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze; 129, Kamýcká; 16521 Praha Czech Republic; T: +420234381830 F: +420234381817; kelbler@rektorat.czu.cz
- Masarykova univerzita v Brně
- Mendelova univerzita v Brně
- Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
- Jihočeská Univerzita
- VŠB Technická univerzita Ostrava (Institut Enviromentálního Inženýrství)
БЮРМ (Республика Македония) |
Джорджия |
- Georgian Research Institute of Water 60, ul. Chavchavadze 380030 Tbilisi Georgia tsotnem@rambler.ru
Венгрия |
- Geographical Research Institute GRI HAS 45, Budaörsi út 1112 Budapest Hungary T: +3613092600 F:
- Ecological Institute Sustainable Development EISD 13, Kossuth Utca 3525 Miskolc Hungary T: +3646352010 F: +3646352010 biodivhu@mail.matav.hu
- Center for Environmental Studies Foundation CES 15b, Angyal Utca 1094 Budapest Hungary T: +3612160377 F: +3612160911 mail@ktk-ces.hu
- Výzkumný ústav půdoznalství a agrochemie maďarské akademie věd RISSAC P.O. Box 35 1525 Budapest Hungary T: +3613564682 F: +3613564682 nemeth@rissac.hu
- Állami Földtani Intézet (Geologický Institut)
- Geológiai Szolgálat (Maďarský geologický průzkum)
- Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat (Meteorologická služba)
- Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI)!C 2005, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing H-1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér 5., Postal address: 1592 Budapest, Pf. 585. Hungary T: 36-1-222-5101 F: 36-1-222-5112
- National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control
- National Land FundNemzeti Földalapkezelő Szervezet Székhely: 1055. Bp. Kossuth Lajos tér 11. Levélcím: 1355. Budapest, Pf: 8 T: 06-80 204-266, F: 301 4624 ugyfelszolgalat@nfa.hu
Литва |
- Aplinkos apsaugos ministerija (Ministerstvo ochrany životního prostředí), Jaksto 4/9,Vilnius LT-01105,T.: +370 5 2663659, F.: +370 5 2663663, info@am.lt
- Kaltinenai Research Station of Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture KRS of LIA, 17, Varniu, 5926 Kaltinenai Lithuania, T: +3706957254 F: +3706957242, kaltbs@kaltbs.lz.lt
- Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture LZI, 2, Zalioji a., 02232 Vilnius Lithuania T: +37834737271 F: +37834737096 lzi@lzi.lt
- Lithuanian University of Agriculture LZUU 11, Studentu g. 4324 Kauno Lithuania T: 37037752398 F: +37037752271 varas@nora.lzuu.lt
Латвия |
- Lotyšská agentura životního prostředíLatvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology agency Maskavas Street 165 Riga, LV-1019, Latvia T: +371 7 032 600 F: +371 7 145 154 lvgma@lvgma.gov.lv
Польша |
Молдова |
Румыния |
- Ministry of Waters and Environmental Protection MAPPM 12, Boulevard Libertatii, Sector 5 Bucharest Romania T: +401 316 0215
- Forest Research and Management Institute (FRMI) Sos. Stefanesti St. 128/2, Bucharest, Romania icas@icas.ro, office@icas.ro
- Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry (RISSA) B-dul Marasti, No.61, COD 011464, Sector 1, Bucharest P/F: + 40-21-222 9442, +40-21-222 5979 mdumitru@icpa.ro
- Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry ICPA 61, Bd. Marasti 71331 Bucharest Romania T: +40213184463 F: +40213184348 icpa@icpa.ro
- Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops ICCPT 1, Sos. N.Titulescu 8264 Fundulea Romania T: +4013110722 F: +4013110722
- Oficiul Pentru Studii Pedoloice si Agrochimice OSPA 9, Str. Gen I Dragalina 71331 Bucharest Romania
- Central Research Station for Soil Erosion Control CRSSEC P.O. Box 1 6400 Barlad Romania T: +4035413770 F: +4035412837 perieni@spectral.ro
- Agricultural Research and Development Institute ARDI1, Nicolae Titulescu 915200 Fundulea Romania T: +40213150805 F: +40242642044 fundulea@ricic.ro
- Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine119, Calea Aradului 1900 Timisoara Romania T: +4056200296 F: +4056200296 usabtm@mail.dnttm.ro
- University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary USAMVB59, Bd. Marasti , Sector 1 Bv. Marasti nş 59 Of. Postal Dorobanti 71331 Bucharest Romania T: +4012242266 F: +4012242815 post@info.usamv.ro
Россия |
- Ministerstvo přírodních zdrojů
- V.V. Dokuchaev Institute of Soil Sciences, 7, ul. Pygevsky, 109017 Moscow Russia
- Státní úřad aplikované ekologie SIAE 44, Pyatnitskaya Street, building 3 109017 Moscow Russia T: +70959518900 F: +70959514896 siae.geo@yahoo.com
- Russian Academy of Sciences RAS 14, Leninskii pr. 119991 Moscow Russia T: +70959380309 F: info@pran.ru
- Novocherkassk Institute of Reclamation Engineering 111, Pushkinskaya Ul 346409 Novocherkassk Russia
- Institute of Soil Science & Photosynthesis Pushchino 142292 Moscow Region Russia T: +70967732951-7336 F: +70967790532 pinsky@issp.serpukhov.su
- Institute of Agronomy and Soil Erosion Control 70B, Karl-Marx-Sts. 305021 Kursk Russia vitok@kursknet.ru
- Central Experimental Peat Bog Station, 3- Mikrorajon, 14/12 141800 Dmitrov. Moskow region Russia All-Russian Institute for Fertilizers and Agricultural
- Soil Science named after Pryanishnikova VIUA 31, Ul. Pryanishnikova 127550 Moscow Russia T: +70959764623 F: +70959762374 afokin@glasnet.ru
- All-Russian Research Institute of Agronomy and Soil Erosion Control ARRIASEC 70B, Karl Marx Str. 305021 Kursk Russia T: +0712536703 F: +0712536729 soil-er@kursknet.ru
Словакия |
- Ministerstvo zemědělství, Dobrovicova 12, 812 66 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, P: +421 2 59 266 111, +421 2 59 266 301, F: +421 2 59 266 311, tlacove@land.gov.sk
- Ministerstvo životního prostředí, MZP SR, Nam. L.Stura 1, 812 35 Bratislava, info@enviro.gov.sk
- State Geological Survey of Slovak Republic, 1, Mlynská dolina, 81704 Bratislava Slovak Republic, P: +421259375322 curlik@gssr.sk
- Forest Institute Slovak Academy of Science, 2, Štúrova, 96053 Zvolen Slovak Republic, P: +421455330914 F: +421455479485, bblinec@sav.savzv.sk
- Výzkumný ústav půdoznalství a ochrany půdy SSCRI, 10, Gagarinova, 827 13 Bratislava Slovak Republic, T: +421248206901 F: +421243427485, sci@vupu.sk.
- Půdní portál
- Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě, PRIF UK, Mlynska dolina, 842 15 Bratislava 4, Email: admin(at)fns.uniba.sk,
- Slovenská zemědělská univerzita v Nitře, 2, Tr. A. Hlinku,94976 Nitra Slovak Republic,T: +421376508399 F: +421376508387, anton.zaujec@uniag.sk
- Technical University in Zvolen, 24, T.G. Masaryka, 96053 Zvolen Slovak Republic, T: +421455206197 F: +421455332654, pichler@vsld.tuzvo.sk
Украина |